Hey everyone! You may know that I have been changing my room in the last couple months. You can read about it if you scroll down and look for a post called: Where I've Been, What I've Been Up To.
Anyways, As you can see from the title, I have a haul on what I got for accent pieces. My room has a ton of white, peach, and cream so my accent pieces are mirrored, white, and silver. Also, everything I mention except for the candle and the mirror was purchased at Hobby Lobby. Hope you enjoy this haul!
1. This flower was very inexpensive, around $3 and the vase was $12-$15. I found the beads that I used inside of the vase for about $6. I adore this flower because I can't keep flowers alive for the life of me and it is the perfect color to go with my room. It adds a very feminine touch.
2. The second thing I bought was this candle and jeweled candle holder. I believe the candle was $8 and the candle holder was $5. You can also find taller candles, but they are more expensive. This was probably one of the top two purchases I was most excited about because it is so small and compact, yet it adds so much character to your room.
3. I found this just after the candle, and it was a perfect match. The jeweling was the same, so I had to get it. This was about $20, after it was on sale. There was also an oval shape, but I didn't get it because it was around $35, and that was kind of crazy just for a mirror tray.
4. For my vanity, I was on the hunt for a little mirror that I could turn around and it would be magnified. I had trouble finding one for a decent price, and also good quality. Upon going to Home Goods, I found the perfect mirror in their bath area. It is so convenient for when I do my makeup. I can turn around the mirror for magnification and it helps me see exactly where to put my eyeshadow or whatever I'm putting on more clearly. And, it was only $14. Cha-Ching!
5. In July, I had my birthday, and one of my best friends knew I was changing my room so she asked me what the colors were, and then she went to Hobby Lobby and bought just the lamp, and not the fur. She hot glued some fuzz she found at her house, and I love knowing that she put her time into making me a present. Thanks Cana!
6. Technically, this isn't room decor, but I count candles because they can be super decorative. My favorite time to go to Bath & Body Works is during fall, because I love fall scents! I found this candle called Cider Lane, and it smells like caramel apples, cider, and cinnamon. It is one of my favorite candles ever! I think it was $5, only because it is a mini. Another great factor about this candle is that the color goes spectacularly with my room.
Would you like to see how I arranged it? If so, keep reading... :)
As you can see, this is my vanity area. It may seem a little cramped, I know! It's because I haven't gotten my nightstand yet! I will be rearranging once I get it, and, if you would like, I can show you how I arranged it. Left to right: Mini pumpkin, flower, mirror, and fluffy lamp. I will for sure be moving my fluffy lamp to my nightstand.
This area is right next to my vanity and it holds an earring stand, candle, lamp, and scottish dog I got from my Aunt when she lived in Scotland. I love this area!
This next shelf is directly under the first. It holds my VS spray and some other sprays and lotions. I love the way the mirrored tray goes with it, it's so cute!
This last area is the bottom shelf. It holds most of my Bath & Body Works lotions, and I didn't know where to put my mini candle so I just put it right next to the lotions because the colors went together pretty well.
I hope you enjoyed this haul & mini room tour! :)